Posts tagged ‘Bike for Earth’

Riding 1447 kilometers to Fight Climate Poverty

Indonesia’s “Bike for Earth” cyclists get ready to ride to Fight Climate Poverty. Photos Ari Margiono/OxfamThe Indonesian President, Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, officially launched Bicycle for Earth Goes to Bali” on November 11 in the capital city of Jakarta.

The President and the First Lady also took part in the first stage of the ride along with, Indonesian government ministers, celebrities, members of the public and of course the official Bicycle for Earth Goes to Bali team of 50 riders. View a slide show of more images from the launch of the ride.

The team will cover 1447 kilometers (899 miles) in 23 days and visit 44 Indonesian cities to raise awareness amongst the Indonesian public, on how riding a bicycle for transport can help fight climate change. The cyclists end their ride in Nusa Dua, Bali, to coincide with the start of the United Nations Climate Change Conference on December 3.

Oxfam is just one of the organizations supporting this ride and we think it shows how a combination of personal and government action is needed to combat Climate Change and its impacts. We wish the cyclists well and will be welcoming them when they finish their ride in Nusa Dua.

A team of Oxfam campaginers will be blogging with the latest updates from the bike ride and lots of other news from the United Nations Climate Change Conference over the next 4 weeks, so keep coming back for more news or subscribe to our special Climate Change news feed.

November 14, 2007 at 2:01 pm 3 comments

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