Posts filed under ‘United Nations Climate Change Conference’

The Bali Finale: Oxfam’s Verdict

Statements by Antonio Hill, senior climate change policy advisor, the international development agency Oxfam, on the United Nations Climate Change Conference that has ended today in Bali, Indonesia.

“Bali has for the first time drawn up a roadmap for all countries to tackle climate change. But a handful of powerful countries have relegated the overwhelming scientific evidence to a footnote. The Bush Administration—dragging Canada, Japan and Russia in tow—has thrown away the compass and is trying to force us all to take the journey in a gas-guzzling 4×4, not the solar-powered speedster that the world urgently needs.”

“The Bali result sets the stage for addressing fairness—all countries will have to limit emissions. But rich countries will have to kick the carbon habit first and poor countries need to see them do it. A door has been held opened for the US to join. The danger is that developing countries will be forced through the same door.”

“Without a clear range for the global emissions cuts needed, this deal fails to keep us from the brink of exceeding 2°C of warming. Far from the negotiating halls of Bali, poor people waist-high in floods and children malnourished by failed harvests will demand to know, why did world leaders not see what we face and act urgently to stop it?”

“This outcome is a clear call to the citizens of the United States, Canada, Japan and Russia. Demand more. Only you can push your governments to deliver justice for poor people facing the next drought, flood or cyclone.”

“Developing countries came to Bali ready to talk, willing to listen, but also demanding to be heard. A handful of the richest nations—led by the Bush Administration—have rebuffed their will and sapped the strength of what Bali had to offer. It’s a deep insult to the world’s poorest people.”

“All the countries of the world are now united around delivering the Bali Roadmap by 2009, despite repeated US moves to hollow out these talks. But the level of ambition in the agreement still does not match the urgent need. The cost of not going far enough will be felt a long way from the air-conditioned halls of this luxury hotel. It will be paid in poor countries, by women and men forced to reap the failed harvests of our collective inaction.”

On Adaptation:

“At long last the UN climate talks have started to grapple with the devastating impacts climate change is already having on the world’s poorest people. Coping with these impacts comes at a price that rich polluters must pay. Under pressure from developing countries, Bali has delivered clear progress: a fund for adaptation is now in place and all countries agree that more money must be raised. But with estimated costs exceeding $50 billion annually, we now need to see rich countries put some serious money forward.”


For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact:

Nicky Wimble +62 (0) 818-0549-6152

Jason Garman +62 (0) 819-3612-4983

Indonesian press: Yon Thayrun +62 0812 6989 619

December 15, 2007 at 10:01 am 13 comments

Climate Action Network reaction to the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference outcome

Climate Action Network (CAN), – who Oxfam is a member of – held a press conference directly after the conclusion of the United Nations Climate Change Conference Press Conference Saturday 15 December 2007, in Bali Indonesia.

December 15, 2007 at 9:44 am 5 comments

12 hours later and still no decision at the UN Climate Change Conference

It’s 12:30 pm – 12 hours after with we last spoke to you – here is a quick update direct from the United Nations Climate Conference plenary, where I am sitting and waiting with the rest of the Oxfam team, for the conference to reach a final outcome. (more…)

December 15, 2007 at 4:42 am Leave a comment

A quick round up while we wait for the final verdict

Oxfam New Zealand’s Executive Director, Barry Coates, gave us a quick round-up of the last two weeks of the conference, while he and the rest of the Oxfam team stay up late waiting for delegates at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia, to announce their final outcomes. (more…)

December 14, 2007 at 4:01 pm Leave a comment

Poor people can’t bear it – Oxfam’s Polar Bears reject the US Climate offer

Oxfam’s Polar Bears protest again for the UN Climate Change Conference to Save the Human. Photos Ng Swan Ti/OxfamOxfam’s Polar bears came back for a second visit to the Untied Nation Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia today, as they could not believe that on the final day of the summit, there was still no clear agreement on a way forward to tackle climate change. You can watch a video of what they got up to on our YouTube Channel.


December 14, 2007 at 11:47 am 1 comment

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